Sistim Komputer

Kuliah Organisasi Sistim Komputer (IKI 80210) &
Sistim Operasi (IKI80230)
Dosen Johny Moningka
Contact Pusilkom UI - Salemba, Lantai 3, Ruang Staf
  Fasilkom UI - Depok, Ruang 211




Buku teks dan Referensi:

Organisasi Sistim Komputer

Sistim Operasi

Selected topik from magazines and journal: IEEE Micro, Byte, ACM Communications, Windows NT Mag., other studies (Computer Technology Research, Gartner Group, Microsoft, IBM )



Current Issues (you may not agree with this!!)

What is the current status of IT technology?

Massive investment (you name it ! a Fortune company without IT technology bandwagon?)

But, are there really paid off? (Yankee Group estimated: 2 trillion dollars in the past 30 years)

In terms of increased productivity for the organization or competitiveness!!!

Some success story and other .....

So, what is really make things differ ?

Computers simply to replicate old, manual business processes (No change in the process)

Computerization requries the organization to change the process to realize its full benefits.

Otherwise, more work to be done to replicate manual process

(You may argue, ... computer will not work if manual process did not work, typically our problem in this country)

This is sound like "reengineering" buzzworld, but we really need "reform" here (another heavy word)


Which lead to => historic prespective in what so called IT people doing business?

Once upon a time, we are called, "Management Information Systems"

Gradually, we want to be called, "Information Systems" (not only management tools, but a way of doing business to increase productivity, profit, ease of life etc.)

Then, we agreed upon the term, "Information Technology" (more than just information, but with the entire computing and communications infrastructure)

This infrastructure that we will focus on this course.


There is a change forced upon, you, as IT people/manager. What is it ?

The rise of the PC, the revolt of end users.

Many study shows, we fought the introduction of PCs into the office,
and since then IT operations rushed to keep pace with the end user.

The effect, IT department lost control of the information and computing environment.

The impact, user demanded the desktop support on an IT department which are not ready to support it.

This desktop technology chosen by end users (short term, haphazard, "I know best ..", computer show) ... leaving a user support and infrastructure nightmare for IT department.


Challenges for Information Technology.

Skills : rapid change (nature) of IT related technology.

Gartner Group surveys, more than half of the IT Excecutive, see their employees skill needs change drastically by the end of the century)

Options: spending substantially on training current staff or hiring the needed skills on temporary basis.

Pitfall 1: training cost (not fair for other dept.) and staff spending time on training.

Pitfall 2 : hiring temporary basis can be more expensive, lose sense of loyality /tracking

Other alternatives: OUTSOURCING ! (.. I leave it to you)

Technological : rapid advancement of technology.

Example: microprocessor power doubles at the rate of 18 months (sources: Intel), mass storage from about $3/MBytes - 1990 to under $0.30/MBytes - 1995. (Compared to IBM mainframe cosmetic changes once every three years), client server computing, e-commerce, workflow, data warehouse, component-ware etc.

Any IT proffesional must be ready to devote more time than normal to recycle knowledge and skills.

In practice, try to balance focus on the business process (larger issues service level we must maintained)


IT architectures and infrastructure

Architecture: a high level blueprint information requirement and support in organizations (analogy for a house)

Recognizing the business needs for information (objectives)

Combining with the information system that already exist

Types of architectures

Classify by the role of the hardware (infrastructure)


The Architecture of the 90's(... by our network people)

Computer designed to connect or interconnect: (look at Windows NT)

Leading toward a single hardware and application architecture - Client/Server computing

C/S refers only to application, but in this course it is used to denote the entire hardware/software architecture that supports C/S applications.

C/S runs at two (or more) separate components on different systems.

Clients : local desktop -Server : more powerful remote computer

C/S application model:

The user work directly on the local component of the applications (client): GUI, fast access and response.
But user may be idle (thinking time), it is more logically done on the inexpensive desktop computer (cost of CPU cycles very low).

The server, perform services for many clients and it is designed only for those workload (i.e access database not a graphical intensive).

Result: computational efficiencies (divide workload fit the best), more productive and (maybe) application takes the most advantage of the computing environment.

It requires IT changes to run their business (Server centric and proliferation of many clients) :


Classifying Computer Hardware

Computing Power (scales)

Scientific and military applications, simulation model (business)

Generally 4 to 10 times faster than mainframe

Mutliprocessor to increase computing power

Large organization, data center (database) and mission critical application

Generally support up to hundreds of terminals

Mini computer (mid-range):

Small and medium company, specific application and task

Function as mainframe with limited extend

Distributing application and data


Engneering departement (CAD) and specific application

Desktop provide user with computing power and graphics interface

Support by PC environment


Not restricted into one location

Provide interconnection with other computer (server)

Laptop or notebook PC with connection devices

Computer Hardware Components

Hardware: physical equipment, media (storage) and attached input/output devices

Software: instruction that manipulat e the hardware


Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Primary Memory (main memory)

Secondary Storage

Magnetic Disk, also known as hard-disk, fast access (random)

Magnetic tape, slow (linear access), cheap (cost $/Mbytes), other: CD-ROM, optical disks

Input/Output Devices

Keyboard and point of sales : typed characters

Pointing devices - mouse, joy stick, touch screen

Optical recognition - bar code reader

Other: voice recognition, smart card etc.

Print-out :printer, plotter

Screen: monitor

Other: sound, audio etc.